
I wrote a little Python program to grab a bunch of PNGs and render them into a movie using the FFmpeg command line. The PNGs are read into [X*Y*3] numpy arrays (ignoring the alpha channel), new frames are added via interpolation, and the data is fed into FFmpeg as a pipe and saved as an mp4.

The files play fine in VLC on Windows, but don't work in iMovie on a Mac. I think it might have to do with most programs expecting H264 videos to be in the YUV420P color space, which my movies aren't. I've tried changing the ffmpeg command -pix_fmt from rgb24 to yuv420p, but no go.

Relevant Python code attached below.

def init_vars(args):
    global log_file, file_names, command, num_int_frames, num_files, silent

    file_names = glob('./*.png')
    num_files = len(file_names)

    if args.log:
        log_file = 'bmmp.log'
        log_file = os.devnull

    silent = args.silent

    frames_per_second = args.fps
    wanted_movie_length = args.length
    movie_file_name = args.name + '.mp4'

    num_int_frames = round((frames_per_second * wanted_movie_length - 1) / (num_files - 1) - 1)

    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        ffmpeg_bin = 'ffmpeg.exe'
        ffmpeg_bin = 'ffmpeg'

    command = [ffmpeg_bin,
               '-y', # (optional) overwrite output file if it exists
               '-f', 'rawvideo',
               '-s', '1280x720', # size of one frame
               '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24',
               '-r', str(frames_per_second), # frames per second
               '-i', '-', # The input comes from a pipe
               '-an', # Tells FFMPEG not to expect any audio

Cheers, Eilam

This is hardly a python question and more of ffmpeg question. Nevertheless, what is the reason for not using YUV colorspace for the videos, this is after all what the H.264 is tuned forAntti Haapala
That's what I initially tried, but according to Mulvya's answer below, I was doing it wrong.Eilam G

1 Answers


Assuming the sequence of parameters in Python represents the sequence of the constructed command, a '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', should be inserted after '-i', '-', # The input comes from a pipe. Don't remove or change the earlier pix_fmt since that specifies the input properties.