It's straightforward enough to do using the parquet-mr project, which is the project Alexey Raga is referring to in his answer.
Some sample code
val reader = AvroParquetReader.builder[GenericRecord](path).build().asInstanceOf[ParquetReader[GenericRecord]]
// iter is of type Iterator[GenericRecord]
val iter = Iterator.continually( != null)
// if you want a list then...
val list = iter.toList
This will return you a standard Avro GenericRecord
s, but if you want to turn that into a scala case class, then you can use my Avro4s library as you linked to in your question, to do the marshalling for you. Assuming you are using version 1.30 or higher then:
case class Bibble(name: String, location: String)
val format = RecordFormat[Bibble]
// then for a given record
val bibble = format.from(record)
We can obviously combine that with the original iterator in one step:
val reader = AvroParquetReader.builder[GenericRecord](path).build().asInstanceOf[ParquetReader[GenericRecord]]
val format = RecordFormat[Bibble]
// iter is now an Iterator[Bibble]
val iter = Iterator.continually( != null).map(format.from)
// and list is now a List[Bibble]
val list = iter.toList