
We have a TeamCity server sitting behind a cooperate proxy. We use several of the Castle open source libraries. I want to set up CI builds for the Castle stack internally, so that I can create dependent builds for our core shared libs. Everything was going well, until I tried to find proxy settings for TeamCity. Google-ing around has turned up nothing.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Web proxy? Why does TeamCity need to talk to the web? Doesn't it just needs to talk to your source control and maybe an email server? Or are you asking about configuring access to the Castle Project git repositories - wouldn't that be a proxy configuration of git on your build server?Rup
Ah, missed the svn tag when I commented - sorry,Rup
How about when Teamcity is using NuGet to auto update its packages?user181799
I ended up modifying my proxy settings within Internet Options via the control panel or IE options.user181799

1 Answers


If you want to configure a proxy for svn access from your TeamCity server then this is probably easiest done by configuring a svn proxy as usual for the user account that makes the svn fetches. I know CruiseControl.NET better than TeamCity but for CC.NET it's the account that's the main service runs as.

You'll find this at one of

  • C:\Users\AccountName\AppData\Roaming\Subversion\servers on Vista/7/2008 (domain account)
  • C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\Subversion\servers on Vista/7/2008 (service account)
  • C:\Documents and Settings\AccountName\Application Data\Subversion\servers on XP/2003

You'll probably want to set up the proxy in the [global] section at the bottom of the file - uncomment and fill in at least the http-proxy-host and http-proxy-port lines.