(C#, WCF Service, Rhino Mocks, MbUNit)
I have been writing tests for code already in place (yes I know its the wrong way around but that's how its worked out on my current contract). I've done quite a bit of re-factoring to support mocking - injecting dependencies, adding additional interfaces etc - all of which have improved the design. Generally my testing experience has been going well (exposing fragility and improving decoupling). For any object I have been creating the dependant mocks and this sits well with me and makes sense.
The app essentially has 4 physical layers. The database, a repository layer for data access, a WCF service that is connected to the repository via a management (or business logic) layer, so top down it looks like this;
WCF Managers Repository Database
Testing the managers and repository layer has been simple enough, mocking the dependencies with Rhino Mocks and injecting them into the layer under test as such.
My problem is in testing the top WCF layer. As my service doesn't have the constructor to allow me inject the dependencies, I'm not sure how I go about mocking a dependency when testing the public methods (ServiceContracts) on the service.
I hope that's made sense and any help greatly appreciated. I am aware of TypeMockIsolator etc, but really don't want to go down that route both for budget and other reasons I won't go into here. Besides I'm sure there are plenty of clever 'Stackers' who have the info I need.
Thanks in advance.