I try to use the z3 solver for a minimization problem. I was trying to get a timeout, and return the best solution so far. I use the python API, and the timeout option "smt.timeout" with
set_option("smt.timeout", 1000) # 1s timeout
This actually times out after about 1 second. However a larger timeout does not provide a smaller objective. I ended up turning on the verbosity with
set_option("verbose", 2)
And I think that z3 successively evaluates larger values of my objective, until the problem is satisfiable:
(opt.maxres [0:6117664])
(opt.maxres [175560:6117664])
(opt.maxres [236460:6117664])
(opt.maxres [297360:6117664])
(opt.maxres [940415:6117664])
(opt.maxres [945805:6117664])
I thus have the two questions:
- Can I on contrary tell z3 to start with the upper bound, and successively return models with a smaller value for my objective function (just like for instance Minizinc annotations
http://www.minizinc.org/2.0/doc-lib/doc-annotations-search.html) - It still looks like the solver returns a satisfiable instance of my problem. How is it found? If it's trying to evaluates larger values of my objective successively, it should not have found a satisfiable instance yet when the timeout occurs...
edit: In the opt.maxres log, the upper bound never shrinks.
For the record, I found a more verbose description of the options in the source here opt_params.pyg
Edit Sorry to bother, I've beed diving into this recently once again. Anyway I think this might be usefull to others. I've been finding that I actually have to call the Optimize.upper
method in order to get the upper bound, and the model is still not the one that corresponds to this upper bound. I've been able to add it as a new constraint, and call a solver (without optimization, just SAT), but that's probably not the best idea. By reading this I feel like I should call Optimize.update_upper
after the solver times out, but the python interface has no such method (?). At least I can get the upper bound, and the corresponding model now (at the cost of unneccessary computations I guess).