
I am trying to work through the following problem. I am running DSE cassandra 2.1.13 in Analytics mode with a JobTracker, this is running fine and works. My problem is on the sqoop side of things. I am trying to load data from MySQL into a cassandra column family. The issue seems to be related to the cassandra parameters passed in the sqoop import command.

./dse sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
      --username root \
      --table aminno_mem_email \
      --cassandra-keyspace am_cc \
      --cassandra-column-family am_cc_cf \
      --cassandra-row-key am_cc_key \
      --cassandra-thrift-host \

When run Sqoop will think about it and then spit this exception out

ERROR 19:44:28 Error parsing arguments for import:
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument: --cassandra-keyspace
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument: am_cc_2015
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument: --cassandra-column-family
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument: aminno_member_cf
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument: --cassandra-row-key
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument: aminno_member_key
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument: --cassandra-thrift-host
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument:
ERROR 19:44:28 Unrecognized argument: --cassandra-create-schema

If I run the command below and omit the cassandra params it will run fine and connect to MySQL and create a subsequent jar and java file in the DSE dir as expected. But once it hits the first cassandra param it fails as above.

./dse sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
      --username root \
      --table aminno_mem_email \

Searched all over, but have not found an answer to this. I have recent datastax releases that have been running fine otherwise. Seems to be related to using Sqoop to load into Cassandra as all else works fine. I should add that I have tried that very first command line above a few different ways such as all inline and separating everything out on it's own line. still the same exact results, fails on the cassandra params.

What version of dse are you running this on?mikea
I am running DSE 4.8.4, OpsCenter 5.2.4 and DS-agent 5.2.4 on OpenJDK 1.7.xapesa

1 Answers


The commands changed post DSE 4.7. The correct command for doing a thrift import should be:

./dse sqoop thrift-import --connect jdbc:mysql:// \
  --username root \
  --table aminno_mem_email \
  --cassandra-keyspace am_cc \
  --cassandra-table am_cc_cf \
  --cassandra-row-key am_cc_key \
  --cassandra-host \

Note that the --cassandra-column-family is now --cassandra-table and the --cassandra-thrift-host is now --cassandra-host.

I should say that thrift-import is deprecated in 4.8 and the cql-import tool should be used instead.