In my current application I am receiving spectral data through a spectrometer. This data is accumulated for one second and then put into a circular buffer. For now I have one consumer, who pops entries from the buffer and then saves everything to disk. Ok all of that stuff works. Now what I need to do is add another consumer, who, in parallel to the saving, does some processing with the spectra. So I have two consumers needing the exact same data (note: they only read and don't modify). Ok but this doesn't work because if one of the consumers pops one entry of the buffer it is gone, so the other would not receive it. I guess the simplest solution to this problem is to give every consumer it's own circular buffer. Fine, but the only problem is: the data entries are big. One entry has a maximum size of around 80MB, so in order to save memory it would be great to not have the same data there twice. Is there any better solution?
Note: I am using a circular buffer so it is ensured that the buffer has a growing limit.
to your data. That way you avoid any copies and you can guarantee that your data will remain valid as long as one of your consumers references it. – Mohamad Elghawi