I am new to Crystal report, using a tutorial i have created a report in VS.2012 and Crystal Report "CRforVS_13_0_5". When i run this report, it shows nothing but a bank page. Even the toolbar of "Crystal Report Viewer" is not shown.
I have searched a lot on google and in Stackoverflow, but none of the solutions given helped me with this.
The steps i have followed to create this report is as below:
- Created a DataSet.
- Added a Crystal Report into my web project.
- Added a new Form "Default.aspx" into my project and added a button into it.
- Typed below code in on click event of the code.
My code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection CN;
String MyConnectionString = "";
MyConnectionString = "data source=.; initial catalog=Test; user id=sa; password=Abc1234";
CN = new SqlConnection(MyConnectionString);
string SQL = null;
SQL = "SELECT * FROM UserInformation ORDER BY Username";
SqlDataAdapter myDA = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL,CN);
DatasetEmp DS = new DatasetEmp();
ReportDocument myRPT = new ReportDocument();
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myRPT;