I am experiencing a problem with FreeRTOS where it seems the systick() rate is 1/2 the expected rate. All timer or task delay functions take about 2X the time. This was verified in versions 8.2.0 and 8.2.3 using a STM32F100 processor.
There is another posting that looks very similar. This developer is using a MSP430 and claims the tick rate is 400Hz when expecting 1000Hz tick rate.
The RCC register configuration appears to be correct. If I create a non-FreeRTOS project where the systick is correct, it has the same RCC configuration as in the FreeRTOS version.
are set correctly in FreeRTOSConfig.h. Also reviewvPortSetupTimerInterrupt()
in port.c to understand what it's doing. – kkrambo