
I am making a matrix of the TOP 10 users per month. I am using ROW_NUMBER in the SQL to identify the top 10.

enter image description here

Unfortunately, when there isn't 10 users for a given month, the first users repeats with a blank count.

How can I fix this?

The row group is grouping by my ROW_NUMBER. I am column grouping by month and year. enter image description here

There is only 1 record for JULY but it is repeating on the other rows where I think it should be blank.

Try set the cell HideDuplicates property to DatasetNamealejandro zuleta
@alejandrozuleta - I set the HideDuplicates property with the Dataset but that excludes them from future months also. If I use the ROW or COLUMN Group instead, it doesn't eliminate anything.Hannover Fist

1 Answers


I bet you need to add a group filter to your column group to filter for nulls. Expression=(Fields!HasDataID.Value=nothing)=false