
I am a beginner working on Kendo Grid. I wanted to load the data on demand in the grid, like :

I set the page size to 10, when a user scrolls down to 10 rows, the grid should retrieve next 10 rows from database and display it on demand.To do this, I changed "scrollable: true" to "scrollable: {virtual: true}". But this disables scrolling in the grid.

$scope.source = new kendo.data.DataSource({
  batch: true,
  group: getDSGroup(),
  transport: {
    read: userSvc.getUserList,
    update: _dataUpdateItem
  error: function(e) {
      template: 'httpErrorDialogId',
      className: 'ngdialog-theme-default',
      data: {
        'status': e.status,
        'message': e.errorThrown
  schema: {
    parse: function(data) {
      $rootScope.$log.log("User list was fetched.");
      if ($rootScope.sysSettings.userMgr_serverPaging)
        return data;
      for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
        data.items[i].letter = data.items[i].lastName.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase();
        if (data.items[i].departmentName == null) data.items[i].departmentName = $rootScope.$translate.instant("Unassigned");
        if (data.items[i].userGroupName == null) data.items[i].userGroupName = $rootScope.$translate.instant("Unassigned");
      return data;
    model: {
      id: "id"
    groups: "groups",
    total: "totalItems",
    data: "items"
  filter: getDSFilter(),
  sort: getDSSort(),
  pageSize: $rootScope.sysSettings.userMgr_serverPaging ? 10 : 0,
  serverGrouping: $rootScope.sysSettings.userMgr_serverPaging,
  serverPaging: true,
  serverSorting: $rootScope.sysSettings.userMgr_serverPaging,
  serverFiltering: $rootScope.sysSettings.userMgr_serverPaging

$scope.userListOptions = {
  //sortable: true,
  groupable: true,
  selectable: false,
  //pageable: true,

  scrollable: {
    virtual: true
  //dataBound: function() {
  //  this.expandRow(this.tbody.find("tr.k-master-row").first());
  columns: [{
    field: "firstName",
    template: kendo.template($("#tpl-UserItem").html())

  }, {
    field: "letter",
    hidden: true,
    groupHeaderTemplate: "#= value #"

$scope.isEndlessScroll = function() {
  return $rootScope.sysSettings.userMgr_serverPaging;

1 Answers


If your grid is is being created while is invisible, the connfiguration is a bit diffrent.


hope this help