Ok, I guess that getTexture() method from TextureRegion class is not what you need in this case (otherwise you could simply use it like sprite.setTexture(currentFrame.getTexture());
Since you're making an animation, I might guess that there is a sprite sheet image in your assets. So, to animate that sheet you should create a libgdx Animation like:
int ROW = 4; // rows of sprite sheet image
int COLUMN = 4;
TextureRegion[][] tmp = TextureRegion.split(playerTexture, playerTexture.getWidth() / COLUMN, playerTexture.getHeight() / ROW);
TextureRegion[] frames = new TextureRegion[ROW * COLUMN];
int elementIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < COLUMN; j++) {
frames[elementIndex++] = tmp[i][j];
Animation playerAnimation = new Animation(1, frames);
where playerTexture is your sprite sheet image
then in your character class you create TextureRegion currentFrame field to init current frame of your animation (playerAnimation above):
// used for currentFrame initialization
TextureRegion currentFrame = playerAnimation.getKeyFrame(0);
then in update method of game screen you use float delta (or Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime()
) to update key frames of animation (in other words, to animate sprite).
public void update(float delta){
currentFrame = playerAnimation.getKeyFrame(delta);
and finally in your draw (or render) method you draw char like
public void draw(){
batch.draw(char.getCurrentFrame(), char.getPosition().x, char.getPosition().y);
hope I understood your question correct and helped.