
I am trying to sum the rows in Excel that have the same text value in 2 different columns. I saw the post here Group by Sum in Excel about summing rows with the same text value in one column. Here is my table:

A     B     C
Item Region quantity_sold
A     South    1
A     South    4
A     North    7
B     South    5
B     South    9
D     South    3
C     South    6
C     South    4
C     North    8

I think I need to use Sumifs instead of Sumif. I would like the result to be:

Item Region quantity_sold
A     South    
A     South     5
A     North     7
B     South    
B     South    14
D     South     3
C     South    
C     South    10
C     North     8

I tried =IF(A2=A1,"",SUMIFS(A:A,A2,B:B,B2,C:C)) but I got: #VALUE!


3 Answers


An alternative I find works well is to add a column which contains both columns you wish to group as a single value. For example set up col D with this:

result is A_South etc

You can then use normal SUMIF, using this column as criteria.

Main benefits are separation of formulae, and you can extend easily to further grouping variables.


Try this formula:


enter image description here

On caveat, the columns must be sorted. This will not work if the columns are not sorted.


You can do it using an UDF:



  • The First entry is the start row, in this case is 2
  • The second one is your item (select the cell)
  • The third one is the region (select the cell)
  • Last one select the column of the quantity_sold


You just need to enter this code in a module:

Function SumQuatitySold(StartRow As Long, Item As Range, region As Range, Quantity_Sold As Range) As Long

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet

With ws
    i = Item.Row
    j = StartRow
            If .Cells(i, Item.Column) = .Cells(j, Item.Column) And .Cells(i, region.Column) = .Cells(j, region.Column) And i <> j Then
                    If quantitysold = 0 Then
                        quantitysold = .Cells(j, Quantity_Sold.Column)
                        quantitysold = quantitysold + .Cells(j, Quantity_Sold.Column)
                    End If
            End If
    j = j + 1
    Loop Until IsEmpty(.Cells(j, Quantity_Sold.Column))

 End With

SumQuatitySold = quantitysold + ws.Cells(Item.Row, Quantity_Sold.Column)

End Function