
I want to use Activiti BPMN process for some database update task. My process is as follows.

Start Event-> Service Task 1 -> Service Task 2 -> Service Task 3 -> End Event

In the service implementation class of Service task 1 : I created a java.sql.Connection for MySQL database. I need to pass the same Connection object to the Service Task 2 and Service Task 3. Basically those two classes will do some insertions for the database using the same Connection object.

I tried as follows (dbConn is the the Class which contains java.sql.Connection type dbConnection)


But it gives an exception since the connection object is not serializable.

"org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Couldn't serialize value" 

So what is the best way to pass such non serializable variables between service tasks of a process? Or is there any way to define such common objects to multiple Service Tasks in one place and use them within service Tasks ( Something like global variables for the process)

Is there any particular reason why you want to pass the same connection object ?Younes Regaieg
I want to use that same connection for insertion tasks in Service task 2 and Service Task 3. The DB connection is created with setAutoCommit(false). So after the execution of Service task 3 I want to commit the transactionAnupama Pathirage
What would happen if -for some unexpected reason- the server craches and you had to restart it ?Younes Regaieg
Well that will be a problem. Can you please let me know any other way to handle DB transactions using activiti. Basically I want to create a series of DB updates and commit the transaction at the end if all transactions are successull or else roll back the all the transactions.Anupama Pathirage

2 Answers


You can use Thradlocal in Java to pass connection object to different service tasks.

For example use a Base class like below and extend each service task from that. Then you can set the dbConnection and use whenever required by using get method.

public class BaseServiceTask
    public static final ThreadLocal<Connection> localConnectionContext = new ThreadLocal<Connection>();

    public static void initDBConnector(Connection dbConn)

    public static Connection getDBConnector()
        return localConnectionContext.get();

Notice :
This approach assumes all service tasks are executed in the same thread, which is the case for this particular question, but once you include some user task / timer (or any asynchronous logic) this is not a viable solution anymore !


First, you should be aware that there is absolutely no way to serialize a connection instance once it got created according to this.

The reason is that a connection uses a network resource (such as a TCP/IP socket) which uses the network stack on the machine, and eventually the machine's hardware.

Which leaves you only this alternative:

  • Setup a bean that will store the connection instances for you, let's call it myConnectionRegistry, this bean should be scoped as singleton and injected in all your java delegates (Service task implementations)
  • In the first task, you create the connection and then register it into myConnectionRegistry with something like this connectionRegistry.register(conn, wfId) which would add the connection instance to a private map ....
  • In the subsequent tasks, you retrieve your task from that same bean using a method that fetches the connection object from the private map, and throwing an exception if no connection object was registered in the map
  • Have a boundary event that gets fired on that exception and do whatever is necessary to insure data integrity (the use case i described in my comment for instance)
  • In the last Service task, un-register your connection (you should also close it) in order to prevent memory leaks
  • Make sure to take into account the db pool ... etc while designing your solution!
