Google Contacts API returns list of email addresses I sent to, but not those in my Contacts list?
I'm using google contact api and try to get the list of emails in my gmail contacts. The google contact is at .
Below it is the code I use:
public List<GMail> GetContacts(GooglePlusAccessToken serStatus)
List<GMail> ret = new List<GMail>();
string google_client_id = _ClientId;
string google_client_sceret = _ClientSeceret;
string refreshToken = serStatus.refresh_token;
string accessToken = serStatus.access_token;
string scopes = "";
OAuth2Parameters oAuthparameters = new OAuth2Parameters()
ClientId = google_client_id,
ClientSecret = google_client_sceret,
RedirectUri = GetRedirectUrl(),
Scope = scopes,
AccessToken = accessToken,
RefreshToken = refreshToken
RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("<var>Invite GMail Friends</var>", oAuthparameters);
ContactsRequest cr = new ContactsRequest(settings);
ContactsQuery query = new ContactsQuery(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri("default"));
query.NumberToRetrieve = _NumberToRetrieve;
Feed<Contact> feed = cr.Get<Contact>(query);
foreach (Contact entry in feed.Entries)
foreach (EMail email in entry.Emails)
GMail g = new GMail(email.Address);
return ret;
But for some reasons, the code returns the list of email addresses that I sent to in the past, but not the emails in my contact list. Is this correct? Anyone knows why?
** Thanks for Allen's answer, here is my code, and it works great! The contact group is actually: SystemGroup:[email protected]**
public List<GMail> GetContacts_2(GooglePlusAccessToken serStatus)
List<GMail> ret = new List<GMail>();
string google_client_id = _ClientId;
string google_client_sceret = _ClientSeceret;
/*Get Google Contacts From Access Token and Refresh Token*/
string refreshToken = serStatus.refresh_token;
string accessToken = serStatus.access_token;
string scopes = "";
OAuth2Parameters oAuthparameters = new OAuth2Parameters()
ClientId = google_client_id,
ClientSecret = google_client_sceret,
RedirectUri = GetRedirectUrl(),
Scope = scopes,
AccessToken = accessToken,
RefreshToken = refreshToken
RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("<var>Invite GMail Friends</var>", oAuthparameters);
ContactsRequest cr = new ContactsRequest(settings);
GroupsQuery query = new GroupsQuery(GroupsQuery.CreateGroupsUri("default"));
query.NumberToRetrieve = 1000; // _NumberToRetrieve; // 100;// 5000;
//Feed feed = cr.Get(query);
Feed<Group> feed = cr.Get<Group>(query);
string gpId = string.Empty;
foreach (Group gp in feed.Entries)
if (gp.Title.Contains("Contacts"))
gpId = gp.Id;
//// for testing
//GMail g = new GMail(gp.Title.Replace(" ", "") + "");
if (gpId.Length > 0)
scopes = "";
oAuthparameters = new OAuth2Parameters()
ClientId = google_client_id,
ClientSecret = google_client_sceret,
RedirectUri = GetRedirectUrl(),
Scope = scopes,
AccessToken = accessToken,
RefreshToken = refreshToken
settings = new RequestSettings("<var>Invite GMail Friends</var>", oAuthparameters);
//ContactsRequest cr = new ContactsRequest(settings);
cr = new ContactsRequest(settings);
ContactsQuery query2 = new ContactsQuery(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri("default"));
query2.NumberToRetrieve = _NumberToRetrieve; // 100;// 5000;
query2.OrderBy = ContactsQuery.OrderByLastModified;
query2.SortOrder = ContactsQuery.SortOrderDescending;
query2.Group = gpId;
Feed<Contact> feed2 = cr.Get<Contact>(query2);
foreach (Contact entry in feed2.Entries)
foreach (EMail email in entry.Emails)
GMail g = new GMail(email.Address);
//if (ret.Count <= 0)
// GMail g = new GMail("[email protected]");
// ret.Add(g);
// // for testing
// GMail g = new GMail("[email protected]");
// ret.Add(g);
return ret;