For now the most suitable way I can think of is getting the star's world coordnates and passing them every frame to the child's coordinates. As you do so, the child would have the same coordinates everyframe.
The next part is translating it and rotating it around the Star - the way you can achieve that is by setting the planet's position to be transposed by the Star's position with a sin(x)*cos(x).
Let me show you an example:
planet[0] = star[0] + sin(angle)*scale
planet[1] = star[1] + cos(angle)*scale
Where the angle would change incrementally and the scale will just shift the child object further from its parent, keeping it a constant (or modifying it if you wish) thus increasing the radius from its 'new' center.
I know some people may mention matrices or other types of transformations, but for this situation I think the above solution would be most relevant and cleanest in my opinionp
The way it works is you take the parent's 'WORLD coordinates' and set them to be the child's. By modifying the Scale value you increase the distance of the object from the center (so they won't overlap) and you multiply this with the sin and cos of the angle you specified to make it rotate.
P.S. Keep in mind that if you're dealing an FPS-dependant engine to render, the more FPS the faster the simulation will be, and vice-versa, because if you render at 1000 fps, this means you execute your code 1000 times, compared to 100 for example. Therefore, you will increment the angle 1000 times or 100 respectively. If you have this issue, try setting a constant framerate if you can - it's the simplest workaround for lightweight simulations.
Edit: I forgot to mention that the concept works for all objects in your case. You just have to work our the relationships and use the function for eqch object seperately where each object has a position and angle of orbit (if it orbits around a different object).