I'm trying to add a fiscal year column. Our fiscal year looks like this Q1 apr-jun, Q2 jul-sept, Q3 oct-dec, Q4 jan-mar
I have the column 'TimeOfCall' which displays
2013-01-26 07:44:51.000
2014-03-12 13:21:34.000
2015-12-25 16:25:21.000 etc
Searching the forum i have tried using the following. For the date 2015-12-25 this gives the fiscal year as 2016. I need it to be 2015.
case when month(timeofcall) >4
then year(timeofcall) +1
else year(timeofcall)
end as fiscal
Ideally I'd like the output to look like
TimeoFCall Fiscal Year
2013-01-26 07:44:51.000 2012-13
2014-03-12 13:21:34.000 2013-12
2015-12-25 16:25:21.000 2015-16
but this would suffice
TimeoFCall Fiscal Year
2013-01-26 07:44:51.000 2012
2014-03-12 13:21:34.000 2013
2015-12-25 16:25:21.000 2015
Thank you
instead of2013-12
, no? – conradkleinespel