How can you apply a function to leaf nodes of a (nested) map? For example, let's have this map:
{:a 0
:b {:c 1}
:d [{:e 2} {:f 3}]}
Let's say we want to increment all leaf nodes in this map and produce the following result:
{:a 1
:b {:c 2}
:d [{:e 3} {:f 4}]}
Currently, I'm thinking of using the map-zipper from this answer and editing the map via the
functions. However, I'm not sure how to iterate through the zipper and how to identify leaf nodes. What functions should I look at? Is there a simpler solution without zippers?
Could something like the following work (provided there is a leaf-node?
predicate testing if a location in zipper is a leaf node)?
(require '[ :as zip])
(defn inc-leaf-nodes
(if (zip/end? loc)
(zip/node loc)
(recur (zip/next (if (leaf-node? loc)
(zip/edit loc inc)