

I'm having problems getting Ember CLI (1.13.15) to detect changes. When I create a new application with

ember init

And run the development server with

ember serve

The project compiles and I see the page. When I change something, the server detects changes in the console, but nothing happens even if I refresh page. The changes become visible only after I rerun the ember serve

Slow build

Also on an empty app it takes 30 sec to build app on Samsung 850 Pro SSD & i7 2600k with admin rights and after ember-cli-windows run. (the build on half slower MacBook Air is almost instantaneous).


  • Windows 10 with all the updates
  • ember-cli: 1.13.15
  • node: 4.2.6
  • npm: 2.14.10

3 Answers


I just encountered this as well -- seemingly out of nowhere, at once, on several different projects. Making sure I had this in .ember-cli was a winning fix:

"liveReload": true,
"watcher": "polling"

[Update] I already had liveReload: true, so adding the watcher setting seems to be what was needed. Furthermore the projects that I implemented this for were using ember-cli at 1.13.13, 2.2.0-beta.6 and 2.3.0-beta.1, with the following system config:

node: 4.2.4
npm: 2.14.10
os: darwin x64

There's currently a known issue in ember-cli where the open port for livereload isn't detected correctly (https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli/pull/5391). You should be able to get around this for now by running ember serve --host


For now, the best solution seems to be sticking to the old versions. Also there seems to be an issue with latest sass plugin not recognizing changes so I recommend downgrading both to:

ember-cli: 1.13.8,
ember-cli-sass: 4.2.1