
I found this article at SO that tells how to enable/disable a network adpter using the SetupAPI. This works fine so far. The problem is that I could not find a way to get the device index for network connections (adapters) that have been disabled in Windows XP.

I have:

  • The list of GUIDs (from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Netcards)
  • Everything from Win32_NetworkAadapter that is supported in Windows XP

I tried without success:

  • GetIfTable() - disabled adapters are not present in the table
  • Win32_NetworkAdapter::InterfaceIndex is not supported in XP
  • Win32_NetworkAdapter::Enable()/Disable() is not supported in XP

What else can I do to obtain the device index or to get a disabled network adapter re-eabled again?

Have you browsed through the SetupAPIs documented on MSDN? What other google searches have you performed?Χpẘ
Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with the SetupAPI and the documentation is quite voluminously. I googled a lot, but most of the suggestions are .NET or rather Scripting, or make use of functions that are not available in XP. Currently I think about to use SetupAPI to enumerate all netowrk interfacaes and find something that matches the information from Win32_NetowrkAdapert. Any suggestions?.Willy K.
I just googled "setupapi get network adapter index" and the first result was on SO titled how-to-get-network-adapter-index. The accepted answer uses .Net NetworkInterface and C#. .NET and C# are both supported on XP, right?Χpẘ
As stated in the heading my question is about doing that in C++, not C# or C# .NET.Willy K.
C++ can be used to invoke .NET APIs, using managed extensions.Χpẘ

1 Answers


Based on my experience building my Network Connection Guard tool the easiest way to do this is with the netsh command, not APIs. My example is C# so I used System.Diagnostics.Process but in your case I believe you could use ShellExecute().

Also see this answer on SO Programmatically disable/enable network interface