Hi, I have an 128 point array which on plotting looks like this
I want to remove noise from this Signal and make signal something like
For this my plan is to convert the signal in frequency domain
and use a low pass filter.
Note - I am able to Convert the raw signal in frequency domain which gives me two arrays of length 128(one is
*frequency plot*
and one is*phase plot*
). I am also able to recover the original signal using these two arrays. (DFT & IDFT
Now I want to filter the noise from Signal. I am using JAVA
as an programming language and this link/ this link provides a library for implementing IIR Filters
. But I don't know what cutoff frequency
should i use?
Also If I get Filter coefficients
using above then how to implement this filter?(Please explain theoretically)
I want to use a butterworth lowpass filter.