
I am running a UF which has 3 listboxes. I have BoxA_Click(), BoxB_Click subs for each, that select a cell on the a sheet when executed. If I click a value in BoxA, the macro executes and the cell is selected. Then if I click a value in BoxB, the macro executes and locates a different cell. The problem is, when I click back on BoxA, if I select the value that is already selected, then the BoxA_Click() macro will not execute, because I haven't technically changed the selection in that particular box.

My attempted solution was to create a frame, FrameMove, where I have put all 3 listboxes. I have tried to write something that will deselect the other 2 boxes when one box is clicked.

Private Sub BoxA_Click()
    Dim C As MSForms.Control
    For Each C In FrameMove.Controls
        If TypeOf C Is MSForms.ListBox Then 'C.ListIndex = -1 ???
    Next C
End Sub

I am currently looping through all controls within the frame, because I'm not sure how to loop through ListBoxes specifically. Is there a way I can make this work to deselect all other listboxes when one listbox is selected?

couldn't you just set the index to -1 at the end of the sub once you have moved to the cell? That would ensure that when you select the dropdown again, you would have to select the value.Sorceri
That doesn't seem to do anything. I assume the macro executes at the click which would mean the actual selection happens immediately after, but still after the _Click effect has run, so it just stays selected.teepee
Put your reset listbox code in Exit event (BoxA_Exit).Jules

1 Answers


Add a line of code to deselect the selected item at the end of each Listbox-click event.

BoxA.Selected(0) = False

And if the listbox is a multiple select, loop through them.

For i = 0 to BoxA.ListCount - 1
    BoxA.Selected(i) = False 
next i