
I have a bit of problem : I have 3 worksheets:

 - a.xlsm, 
 - b.xlsm 
 - c.xlsm. 

The worksheets have only 1 sheet (Sheet1) .The 3 worksheets are fixed and do not change. i really want to copy the cells from

a.xlsm- F1, L1, S1, W1 (jumping by 6 cells) to b.xlsm-column H- H1, H2, H3, H4 and from a.xlsm- F2, L2, S2, W2 to copy in C.xlsm- column H- H1, H2, H3, H4.

Any help is welcomed. Thank you.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Sub TestCopyData()

Dim WbA As Workbook
Dim WbB As Workbook

Set WbA = ActiveWorkbook
Set WbB = "\\hofs\Mike1.xlsm"

Dim SheetA As Worksheet
Dim SheetB As Worksheet

SheetA = WbA.Sheets("Sheet1")
SheetB = WbB.Sheets("Sheet1")

Dim RowA As Integer
Dim LastRowA As Integer

LastRowA = SheetA.Cells(SheetA.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

Dim ColA As Integer
Dim LastColA As Integer

LastColA = SheetA.Cells(1, SheetA.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

If StrComp(Sheets("SheetA").Cells(AA, 1).Value, Sheets("SheetB").Cells(A, 1).Value) = 0 Then

For RowA = 1 To LastRowA
    For ColA = 1 To LastColA
        SheetB.Cells(ColA, "W").Value = SheetA.Cells(Row, (ColA * 6)).Value
    Next ColA
Next Row

Else: Exit Sub

End Sub

i made some test with the code below in witch i put all the dates of the year one by one an if filter found it will copy a cell to the worksheet that i need but it doesn't work to good.

Sub FetchData3()
    Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:I50000").AdvancedFilter Action:= _
    xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range("J1:J2"), CopyToRange:=Range("A1:I1"), _

End Sub

Did You Try any Code? If not try. If already tried please add the issue details along with piece of codeSiva
Do you mean workbooks when you're saying worksheets?Josh Whitfield
Did you mean x1 instead of w1? otherwise this won't be 6 cells....Kathara
This question is all over the place! (Joking)Josh Whitfield
Hi, Thank you for you interest. I have added 2 pictures on how it looks right now. Some columns will be deleted but is the principal idea. I will add some code in a moment.wittman

1 Answers


I had some time, so I made a code which you can use as a start, but you'll have to add more data:

Sub TestCopyData()

    Dim WbA As Workbook
    Dim WbB As Workbook
    Dim WbC As Workbook

    Set WbA = "a.xlsm" 'you'll need to open it or define it for each workbook
    Set WbB = "b.xlsm"
    Set WbC = "c.xlsm"

    Dim SheetA As Worksheet
    Dim SheetB As Worksheet
    Dim SheetC As Worksheet

    SheetA = WbA.Sheets("Sheet1")
    SheetB = WbB.Sheets("Sheet1")
    SheetC = WbC.Sheets("Sheet1")

    Dim RowA As Integer
    Dim LastRowA As Integer

    LastRowA = SheetA.Cells(SheetA.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

    Dim ColA As Integer
    Dim LastColA As Integer

    LastColA = SheetA.Cells(1, SheetA.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

    For RowA = 1 To LastRowA
        For ColA = 1 To LastColA
            SheetB.Cells(ColA, "H").Value = SheetA.Cells(Row, (ColA * 6)).Value
        Next ColA
    Next Row

End Sub

This is not tested and it's really an exception that someone just writes you a code here, just so you know....