
I am using NUnit testing with Visual Studio 2013. We are using NUnitTestAdapter for integration of test run of NUnit with Visual Studio.

Visual Studio 2013 NUnit is version="3.0.1" NUnitTestAdapter version="2.0.0" .Net Framework 4.5.2

All packages are latest & installed from Nuget. There is no build error. We are getting error in test result window:

Attempt to load assembly with unsupported test framework in  D:\JuniorAchievement\Git\jaums\JA.UMS.Tests\bin\Debug\JA.UMS.Tests.dll

while running or debugging test using Visual Studio Test Explorer.

enter image description here

Test is able to run on one machine with same code on Visual Studio 2013 ultimate. We all other have Visual Studio 2013 professional version, although I doubt it has nothing to do with the problem.

Please Help.



After update to NUnit3 Test Adapter no error but still no test are discovered.

enter image description here

Somehow both Adapter are available but with Nuget & VS extension I can find only NUnit3 Test Adapter.

Installed NUnit3 Test Adapter from https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/0da0f6bd-9bb6-4ae3-87a8-537788622f2d

Just update NUnit adapter.unickq
Look at my comment here please stackoverflow.com/a/35060176/4019586 Maybe it will help.Denis Koreyba
@DenisKoreyba, thanks I will try that, just got busy with something else.Pranav Singh
It was my bad, Architecture was x86 in test settings, I changed to x64 & its working now.Pranav Singh

5 Answers


It looks like you are trying to run NUnit3 tests with the NUnit2 Test Adapter. This is not supported.

You need to install the NUnit3 Test Adapter through Tools > Extensions and Updates in Visual Studio.


NUnit 3.x.y (NUnit 3.4.1) is compatible with NUnit3TestAdapter 3.x.y (NUnit3TestAdapter 3.4.0) NUnit 2.x.y (NUnit 2.6.4) is compatible with NUnitTestAdapter 2.x.y (NUnitTestAdapter 2.0.0)

If you use NUnit 3.x.y you have to install NUnit3TestAdapter 3.x.y instead of NUnitTestAdapter 2.x.y

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.x

Steps to follow for installation:
1. Open Visual Studio and create a project
2. Right click on project -> Click on "Manage Nuget Packages..." from context menu
3. From pop up window: Install NUnit 3.x.y and NUnit3TestAdapter 3.x.y
4. Now run your tests

enter image description here


NUnit 3 only runs with NUnit test adapter 3 or latest version since there is compatibility issue with the older version 2.0. so if you have an exception like this:NUnit VS Adapter discovering tests is started Attempt to load assembly with unsupported test framework in c:....... NUnit VS Adapter discovering test is finished then all you need to do is to install the latest version of NUnit and NUnit test adapter on to your project be right clicking referencence on your solution explorer and manage Nuget packages.


run Install-Package NUnit3TestAdapter -Version 3.10.0 on your Package Manager Console.


Run this package manange console.

PM> Install-Package NUnit3TestAdapter -Version 3.10.0

Make sure that, you have selected the nuget.org in package source dropdown and selected the Test project in Default project dropdown.