You'll need a Mapped
instance that witnesses that T
and the type of x
have this relationship:
import shapeless._, ops.hlist.Mapped
abstract class MyClass[T <: HList, OT <: HList](implicit
mapped: Mapped.Aux[T, Option, OT]
) {
val x: OT
Unfortunately this is kind of inconvenient to instantiate:
new MyClass[Int :: String :: HNil, Option[Int] :: Option[String] :: HNil] {
val x = Some(0) :: Some("") :: HNil
There are ways around this, but they require some additional changes. For example, you could allow both type parameters to be inferred:
import shapeless._, ops.hlist.Comapped
class MyClass[T <: HList, OT <: HList](val x: OT)(implicit
mapped: Comapped.Aux[OT, Option, T]
And then:
new MyClass(Option(0) :: Option("") :: HNil)
Or you can use something closer to your original class with a custom constructor in the companion object:
import shapeless._, ops.hlist.Mapped
abstract class MyClass[T <: HList] {
type OT <: HList
def mapped: Mapped.Aux[T, Option, OT]
val x: OT
object MyClass {
class PartiallyApplied[T <: HList] {
def apply[OT0 <: HList](x0: OT0)(implicit
mapped0: Mapped.Aux[T, Option, OT0]
): MyClass[T] =
new MyClass[T] {
type OT = OT0
val mapped: Mapped.Aux[T, Option, OT] = mapped0
val x: OT = x0
def apply[T <: HList]: PartiallyApplied[T] = new PartiallyApplied[T]
And then:
MyClass[Int :: String :: HNil](Option(0) :: Option("") :: HNil)
Which of these approaches is more appropriate will depend on how you're using the class.