
I've been following this blog to create a Service Bus namespace on Azure using PowerShell 1.0. However, after logging into Azure using the cmdlet Login-AzureRmAccount (as described here) and attempting to use the cmdlet Get-AzureSBNamespace returns a null reference exception, i.e.,

Get-AzureSBNamespace : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Looking at the documentation for Powershell 1.0, there appears to be no reference to any cmdlets for the Service Bus services on Azure, i.e., Get-AzureSBNamespace.

Does Azure PowerShell 1.0 support Azure Service Bus (specifically EventHubs)?

you're mixing ASM and ARM cmdlets... the SB ones still reside in the ASM cmdlets (so thats plan verb-AZURENoun, the ARM ones are verb-AZUREMnoun). for that you need to login with add-azureaccount and then use them. if not possible to ue them first do an import-module Azuretechmike2kx
note, to ceate eventhub matters you need to address the SDK in the easiest way of doing it : blogs.msdn.com/b/paolos/archive/2014/12/01/…techmike2kx
Looged in using Add-AzureAccount and all works. :)James B

1 Answers


I followed the following link to create Service Bus Event hub and created it succesfully.

As mentioned in the above comments you cant assign an event hub to a resouce group it comes under Add-Azure Account cmd.
