I'm working on an app using Core Data and NSFetchedResultController but for many reasons I would like to switch it to use Realm. I saw that there is a "Realm version" of the NSFetchedResultController on github but It wouldn't be compatible with my current code using Core Data.
The view controller is displaying a list of People from the same school, like an address book. This list is a sublist of a people who studied in the same city.
So I was thinking to make 1 unique request to the database to retrieve the list of all people and then filter locally this list within 1 Dictionary per school [String: AnyObject] with String as Section name within the tableView and AnyObject an array of people.
first solution, make a NSFetchedResultController for each school with a predicate filtering the location. Then all delete actions etc.. are handled by the delegates -> this is not compatible with Realm
Create those dictionaries and update them for each actions... -> this works with Realm but it's very annoying to code.
Any better solution?
I need to clarify my request: I'd like to write a class that inherit UITableViewController.
- This class has a list of people sorted in the alphabetical order
- The tableview has section with the first letter of their firstname
- The tableview controller needs to handle updates of the data model (insert, update, delete)
As we might move from CoreData to Realm, I'd like to write code that is compatible with both so that I don't need to modify it again later. The only "smart" way I found to do it so far is to forget about the NSFetchedResultController and the RBQFetchedResultsController, because they are respectively linked to CoreData and Realm, and then use data structure like Dictionaries.