I would like to create dynamic tabs, where each time the user clicks a button, a new tab would be created. Each tab has the same content, with a variety of widgets that the user can use to select which sets of data to be plotted.
Currently, I am using the solution here to dynamically create my tabs, but with the change that lapply is calling a function that calls tabPanel and adds content to the tabs
some_data <- # Dataframe that data is extracted goes here
createTabs <- function(tabNum, some_data)
tabPanel(title = paste("Map", tabNum, sep=" "),
width = 3,
#widgets are added here
mTabs <- lapply(0:input$map, createTabs, some_data)
do.call(tabsetPanel, mTabs)
And the methods of for loops posted here to create the plots on each tab.
However, it seems like instead of creating a new tab, the 2 solutions above both re-create all the existing tabs. So if there are currently 10 tabs open, all 10 tabs get re-created. Unfortunately, this also resets all the user settings on each tab (in addition to slowing down the app), and extra provisions must be taken as shown here , which further slows down the app because of the large number of input objects that must be created.
I saw a solution for menu items that seems to solve this problem by simply storing all the menu items in a list, and each time a new menu item is generated, it is simply added to the list so that all the other existing items don't need to be created. Is something like this possible for tabs and rendering plots as well?
This is the code:
newTabs <- renderMenu({
menu_list <- list(
sidebarMenu(.list = menu_list)
menu_vals = reactiveValues(menu_list = NULL)
observeEvent(eventExpr = input$placeholder,
handlerExpr = {
menu_vals$menu_list[[input$placeholder]] <- menuSubItem(paste("Saved Simulation", length(menu_vals$menu_list) + 1, sep = " "),
tabName = paste("saved_sim", length(menu_vals$menu_list) + 1))
If someone can explain to me what menu_list <- list(menu_vals$menu_list) is doing , why Rstudio says it must be inside a reactive expression, and why a new list called menu_vals is created with menu_list = null, it would be greatly appreciated as well :)
Edit: I think I was able to prevent the plots from being re-created each time a new tab is created and also bypass the need for a max number of plots using
observeEvent(eventExpr = input$map,
handlerExpr = {
output[[paste0("outputComparePlot",simNum,"-",input$map)]] <- outputComparePlot(sessionEnv, config, react, input, simNum, input$map) #This function contains the call to renderPlot
However, I still cannot figure out how to use this for creating tabs. I tried the same method but it didnt work.