I am struggling to extend the basic index match formula =index(A:A,Match(0,$X$1:X1,0)) to also consider if a value in column B is either "No" or empty ("").
For example, in the below table, in the c column, I can get as far as uniquely listing IDs with a "No" value via the following formula: =Index(A:A,match(0,countif($c$1:c1,A:A)+("No"<>B:B),0))
But what I can't seem to get to work is something that tries to consider if the value in B is either "No" or "". =Index(A:A,match(0,countif($c$1:c1,A:A)+OR(""<>B:B;"No"<>B:B),0))
I think the logic is ok here, but excel does not treat the OR part of the formula like an array.
Is there a way in excel's index match unique list method to also consider if a cell in the same row contains two potential values?