
We have a use case where we want to use certain indices in different cluster so as to improve performance. We are using java based configuration for elasticsearch.

@EnableElasticsearchRepositories(basePackages = ["com.as.core.repositories"])
class ElasticSearchConfig {

ElasticsearchOperations elasticsearchTemplate() {
    Client client
    Settings settings

    InetSocketTransportAddress inetSocketTransportAddress = new InetSocketTransportAddress(
            Holders.config.grails.elasticsearch.transportClientIP as String,
            Holders.config.grails.elasticsearch.transportClientPort as Integer

        settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
                .put("cluster.name", "elasticsearch")
        client = new TransportClient(settings)

    return new ElasticsearchTemplate(client)
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What I have googled is there is method addTransportAddresses(inetSocketTransportAddress) which allow us to add an array of elastic search server addresses.

  • But how will we specify multiple cluster names?

1 Answers


Nothing prevents you from creating several clients to different clusters.

In your ElasticSearchConfig class, simply declare a second method elasticsearchTemplate2() which returns another instance of ElasticsearchTemplate embedding another Client to another cluster.

Then you call one method or the other depending on where you need to create your indices.