In genetic genealogy X-chromosome data is useful linking to certain ancestors. This is well illustrated at: X-DNA Inheritance Chart
My Neo4j database has nodes for each Person and relationships connecting them of father and mother. Each node has a property sex (for the Person's gender; M or F). A female has two X-chromosomes, one from either parent. A male has one X-chromosome, always from the mother.
You can use reduce to see the genders involved in the inheritance from ancestors:
match p=(n:Person{RN:1})-[:father|mother*..20]->m
return m.fullname as FullName
,reduce(status ='', q IN nodes(p)| status + AS c
order by length(p), c
So, starting with a male (RN:1), the result for c is MM for his father and MF for his mother, MMM for the paternal grandfather and MFM for the maternal grandfather, etc. This pattern shows that when c contains MM (two Ms together in sequence) that these are NOT contributing to the X-chromosome of the start Person.
I want to remove any node that has the MM pattern. It's easy to do this with external code, but I cannot figure out how to do it within the cypher query.