
I've made a simple websphere client in the past, to connect to our client's websphere mq server - it works.

Now, I want to use it to play around and test my own webspehere mq server (trial edition). I've downloaded the websphere MQ server for windows, installed it,but now I have issues connecting to it. I've tried a couple of things, manually configuring everything according to some online tutorial but then i tried a simpler approach, uninstalled everything and reinstalled again, and used websphere's default configuration tool.

It went smooth, I could use the postcard application quick and easy. However, now I'm trying to access it via my own client (c#, using the IBM client libraries). It appears I can connect to the listener. By default, there are two channels created in MQ. S_SomeName and TO_QM_SomeName. If I connect to S_SomeName, I get error "2035 MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED" - which seems a good indication that everything is working, as that is some server connection, and it uses admin user, which is by default blocked from accessing it as a client. (that's how i understand that. I'm quite new to this).

So I went to try the TO_QM_SomeName hoping it would give me access to any of the queues made by default or made by me. But now, I get error "2059 MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE" or "2539 MQRC_CHANNEL_CONFIG_ERROR" - i've been playing with library versions/server settings, don't remember on which one i got which error. Well...I'm kind of lost now. I cannot find any settings for enabling some user permissions or anything to make it work. What am I missing? What steps are necessary to make the default configuration work also for clients connecting from localhost/somewhere on the network?

I suspect that the channel named TO_QM_SomeName is not a server connection channel, and only those can accept connections from MQ clients.Attila Repasi
What do the client and queue manager error logs say? Update the question with that information.Morag Hughson
@Attila Repasi indeed, you are right. I was getting confused which channel does what. In fact, the S_SomeName was the channel I was supposed to connect to.MLTS
@Morag Hughson Thanks for the tip, i couldn't find logs at first, but then found them and solved the issue myself.MLTS
If there is one thing I would wish to teach all new MQ users, it would be to remember to look in the logs. They are full of useful gems! Glad you are sorted.Morag Hughson

1 Answers


Ok, I found the answer thanks to a suggestion in the comments to take a look into logs. (I'm completely new to mq server :) So, first thing was locating the logs, which were C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ\qmgrs\\errors rather than in program files (which the documentation pointed me to at first). Next, simply reading and analyzing the logs gave me a clue as to what was wrong. I was accessing the incorrect channel TO_QM_SomeName (as also commented) instead of S_SomeName. However, to access S_SomeName I had to either add user/password combination to the client, or remove user/password validation on the server. I chose the second option. To do that, I had to enter this: ALTER AUTHINFO(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.IDPWOS) AUTHTYPE(IDPWOS) CHCKCLNT(OPTIONAL)

REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(CONNAUTH) in the runmqsc program, and then in mq explorer remove the blocking rule in channels that blocks all connections. And voila, I can connect to my server now. Thanks for the tips.