
My requirement is want to make editable false one of the column in kendo grid. That column name(Primary Key Column) will get to know dynamically. what i meant to say editable false want to add dynamically on that column. Here the grid also i am generating dynamically.

Here the dojo example. Please make any one the column editable false. Anyone please help me to achive this.

Please look my dojo link .... http://dojo.telerik.com/UsEcO

@erikscandola - Actually i tried it's not working. please check my dojo link where did wrong.bagya

1 Answers


How @erikscandola wrote, you can make not editable field through schema in dataSource.

fields: {
    Customer18Jan16_ObjNo: {editable: false}

After that field won't be editable but you will want hide label yet (probably). It can be done through jQuery.


in your grid_edit method.

Here Dojo example