
When i import data at that time i need to attach pdf report which will automatically send with declare part of body. If i send manual mail its going on with attachment of report.

class import_data(osv.osv):

    _name = "import.data"
    _columns = {
        'csv_file' : fields.binary('CSV FILE', required="1"),
        'type':fields.selection([('NSE','NSE'),('BSE','BSE'),('Unlisted','Unlisted')],'Exchange Type',required="1")

def send_mail_user(self,cr,uid,ids,data, context=None):

    res_user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
    user = res_user_obj.browse(cr,uid, [uid], context)[0]
    mail_mail = self.pool.get('mail.mail')
    this_context = context
    if data.excess < 0.0:
        subject  =  'Share Valuation Report for'  "%s" % (data.name.name) + ' | Deposite security values'
        subject  =  'Share Valuation Report for'  "%s" % (data.name.name) + ' '         

    if user.login:
        body = '''
                    Dear Sir/Madam,

                    <p>Kindly find the share valuation report. The minimum security ratio has been maintained as on <b>''' "%s" % data.write_date +'''</b>.

                                <td>Current Loan :
                                    <b>''' "%s" % data.loan +'''</b>                    

                                <td>Date :
                                    <b>''' "%s" % data.write_date +'''</b>
                                <td>Requisite Security Ratio :
                                    <b>''' "%s" % data.rs_ratio +'''</b>                    

                                <td>Share Type :
                                    <b>''' "%s" % data.type +'''</b>
                                <td>Requisite Security Value :
                                    <b>''' "%s" % data.rs_value +'''</b>                    

                                <td>Excesss/(Shortfall) :
                                    <b>''' "%s" % data.excess +'''</b>
                                <td>Total Share :
                                    <b>''' "%s" % data.total_share +'''</b>                    

                                <td>Number of Share :
                                    <b>''' "%s" % data.no_share +'''</b>


                    <p>If you have any query/ clairification please contact your Relationship Manager </p>
                    <p>Regards, </p> 
                    <p>''' "%s" % user.name +''' </p>
                    <p>''' "%s" % user.email +''' </p>
                    <p>''' "%s" % user.phone +''' </p>
                    <p>*** This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply ***</p> 
        mail_values = {
            'email_from': user.email,
            'email_to': data.name.email,
            'email_cc': user.email,
            'subject': subject,
            'body_html': body,
            'state': 'outgoing',
            'type': 'email',
        mail_id = mail_mail.create(cr, uid, mail_values, context=this_context)    
        a=mail_mail.send(cr, uid, [mail_id],  auto_commit=True, context=this_context)
    return True        

def import_data(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):

        form = self.read(cr, uid, ids, [])
        if not form[0].get('csv_file'):
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('Please Import CSV!'))
        fdata = form and base64.decodestring(form[0]['csv_file']) or False

        input = cStringIO.StringIO(fdata)
            data = list(csv.reader(input, quotechar='"' or '"', delimiter=','))
             raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('please imported CSV data file is not properly set for the delimiter  !'))
        if data and form[0].get('type') == 'NSE':
        if data and form[0].get('type') == 'BSE':

        share_mon_obj= self.pool.get('share.monitors')
        share_mon_ids= share_mon_obj.search(cr,uid,[])
        if share_mon_ids:
            for share_id in share_mon_ids:
                if share_id:
                    c_data = share_mon_obj.browse(cr,uid,share_id)
                    if not c_data.share_line:
                        raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('please create the company and share details!'))

                    for c_line in c_data.share_line:
                            'company_names' : c_line.names and c_line.names.id or False,
                            'isin': c_line.isin_no,
                            'shares' : c_line.share,
                            'price_quote': c_line.quote_price,
                            'value_gross': c_line.gross_value,
                            'ratio_rs': c_line.rs_ratio,
                            'ratio_as': c_line.as_ratio,
                            'write_dates' : c_line.write_date, 
                            'monitor_ids': c_line.monitor_id and c_line.monitor_id.id or False,
                            'share_type':c_line.share_type or False,
                        for  csv_line in data:
                            if form[0].get('type') == 'NSE':
                                if c_line.isin_no == csv_line[12] and c_line.share_type == 'NSE':
                                        'quote_price':csv_line[5] or 0.00,

                            if form[0].get('type') == 'BSE':
                                if c_line.isin_no == csv_line[0] and c_line.share_type == 'BSE':
                                        'quote_price':csv_line[7] or 0.00,

                    self.send_mail_user(cr, uid,ids,c_data,context=context)

        return True
Can you please put code of send_mail_user here instead of import_data?Atul Arvind
can you please check the once again code i am put here send_mail_user codeOm Prakash Maurya

1 Answers


So you want to send a mail with attachment so , first you want to create a template with attachment report.

For Example : Here i create a template :

<data noupdate="1">
        <!--Email template -->
        <record id="email_template_edi_purchase" model="email.template">
            <field name="name">RFQ - Send by Email</field>
            <field name="email_from">${(object.validator.email or '')|safe}</field>
            <field name="subject">${object.company_id.name|safe} Order (Ref ${object.name or 'n/a' })</field>
            <field name="partner_to">${object.partner_id.id}</field>
            <field name="model_id" ref="purchase.model_purchase_order"/>
            <field name="auto_delete" eval="True"/>
            <field name="report_template" ref="report_purchase_quotation"/>
            <field name="report_name">RFQ_${(object.name or '').replace('/','_')}</field>
            <field name="lang">${object.partner_id.lang}</field>
            <field name="body_html"><![CDATA[
<div style="font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; ">

    <p>Hello ${object.partner_id.name},</p>

So here in this template i have attached my report in this template .

Now after that you want to define the function for send a mail. here bellow i define a function:

def send_purchase_mail(self, cr, uid, ids,active_id, context=None):
        mtp =self.pool.get('email.template')
        mail_template_id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid,
                                                    'purchase', 'email_template_edi_purchase')
        if mail_template_id:
            mtp.send_mail(cr, uid, mail_template_id[1], active_id,force_send=True, context=context)
        return True

First in the function i get the template_id what ever i made then after i call the send_mail function with template_id and active_record_id.