
At my current place of employment I've inherited a Drupal 6 site that I am maintaining and updating. There's a custom module that has some copy in it that needs to be updated.

Naturally, I went in and edited the .module file in my local environment, tested it and it looked great. We pushed the file to our development server and cleared the caches, theme registry etc and the change will not take place. It is still reading as the old copy.

As I've said, I've cleared the cache, deactivated/reactivated the module etc.. I've even tried to run update.php but the module in question doesn't actually appear in that list (there's no hook_update in this module it would seem). Is there some other trick to getting Drupal modules to register a change in the code?


1 Answers


One possibility is that the PHP process is not reading the new file but has the old one cached. You should restart your php-fpm or apache, depending which way you are running the site, to make sure the APC or Opcache are cleared as well.

I would also double check the content of the actual .module file to be extra certain that the new version is really there.

Yet another possibility that comes to mind is that you'll have to make sure you are updating the code in the correct location, ie you need to double check that the web server is serving Drupal from the location you are updating.