I've been working on an Aurelia app without gulp and it has gone well. Now I want to use gulp b/c the page loads are terrible with 100+ separate files being requested. I install aurelia-bundler from the skeleton and can get it working using gulp. But there are two problems: 1. I have to gulp bundle after EVERY change to refresh the page 2. The error messages make no sense b/c everything is minified now.
I can deal with #1 b/c of gulp-watch (even though that still takes time), but I can't handle the minified files and not being able to debug my code.
So, is there and easy way to switch back to the non-bundled files for development on my machine and only use the bundled files when I deploy to Heroku server? It seems like aurelia-bundle now points to the dist folder by default.
Oh yeah, I tried modifying config.js to point to "src" instead of "dist" but it still looks for the aurelia-xxx.js file instead of the non-bundled files.