I was having a similar issue with Dagger 2. I had an AppComponent and an ActivityComponent (being a subcomponent). And as soon as I would add a new inject() function in the AppComponent, I would get the above errors.
There was more errors besides the 'cannot find symbol' error but they were very vague and I couldn't debug my issues. After digging and researching stackoverflow and different tutorials, I realized I was using Dagger incorrectly. Specifically the way my AppComponent and ActivityComponent was setup.
I was under the assumption that I could inject my 'Activity' or 'Fragment' with both my AppComponent and ActivityComponent. This turned out to be wrong, at least I found out that it wasn't the right way of using Dagger.
My Solution:
@Component(modules = {AppModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {
void inject(MyApp application);
void inject(ContextHelper contextHelper);
// for exports
MyApp application();
PrefsHelper prefsHelper();
App Module
public class AppModule {
private final MyApp application;
public AppModule(MyApp application) {
this.application = application;
@Provides @Singleton
public MyApp application() {
return this.application;
@Provides @Singleton
public PrefsHelper providePrefsHelper() {
PrefsHelper prefsHelper = new PrefsHelper(application);
return prefsHelper;
@Component (dependencies = {AppComponent.class}, modules = {ActivityModule.class})
public interface ActivityComponent {
void inject(MainActivity activity);
void inject(OtherActivity activity);
void inject(SomeFragment fragment);
public class ActivityModule {
private final MyActivity activity;
public ActivityModule(MyActivity activity) {
this.activity = activity;
@Provides @ActivityScope
public ContextHelper provideContextHelper(MyApp application) {
// My ContextHelper depends on certain things from AppModule
// So I call appComponent.inject(contextHelper)
AppComponent appComponent = application.getAppComponent();
ContextHelper contextHelper = new ContextHelper(activity);
return contextHelper;
public class MyApp extends Application {
private AppComponent appComponent;
public void onCreate() {
private void initializeDepInj() {
appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder()
.appModule(new AppModule(this))
public LockAppComponent getAppComponent() {
return appComponent;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
// I get it from ActivityModule
ContextHelper contextHelper;
// I get it from AppModule
PrefsHelper prefsHelper;
ActivityComponent component;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void setupInjection() {
MyApp application = (MyApp) getApplication();
component = DaggerActivityComponent.builder()
.activityModule(new ActivityModule(this))
// I was also doing the following snippet
// but it's not the correct way since the ActivityComponent depends
// on AppComponent and therefore ActivityComponent is the only
// component that I should inject() with and I'll still get classes
// that are provided by the AppComponent/AppModule
// application.getAppComponent().inject(this); // this is unneccessary
public ContextHelper getContextHelper() {
return contextHelper;
I don't know if it directly resolves your issue but it should at least shed some light on how to use Dagger properly.
Hope it helps.