I want to extract information of various tables embedded in a XML file similarly to how SAS XML mapper does
I came across the below documentation of SAS XML mapper and wants to implement similar functionality i.e identify details of multiple tables contained in a single XML file using R *"SAS XML Mapper automatically analyzes the structure of an XML file (or XML Schema) and generates basic metadata. The process consolidates all instances of a specific XPath into a unique candidate field, counts the number of occurrences, captures maximum field length, keeps a representative sample of data instances, and heuristically suggests a data type (string, numeric, date, etc.) based on the sampling. The availability of this information makes identifying table, row, and column components much simpler."
package cran.r-project.org/web/packages/XML/index.html – Rentrop?XML::readHTMLTable
(XML package has to be installed). In addition, please follow the request in the R tag description here on stackoverflow, which says: "Please supplement your question with a minimal reproducible example." – lukeA