I am trying to insert tables marked with a Name via a bookmark so I can later recognize them again.
Below I have added my source code in question. At pos3 I created a table with 2 rows and add a bookmark for its range. But when repeating the Sub I always end up in the case of pos1 .. my bookmark is not found in the table selection. (trying to reach pos2)
The bookmark itself is added, but maybe not to the table. I suspect the error to be there.
I can see the bookmark in the bookmark-list of Word. But if I do a manual "go to" the cursor seems to end up off screen somewhere, so I suspect its not added correctly to the table range.
Private Sub PrepareFooter()
Dim oSection As Section
Dim oFooter As HeaderFooter
Dim oRng As Range
Dim tbl As Table
Dim cell As cell
Dim foundFooterTable As Boolean
For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
For Each oFooter In oSection.Footers
With oFooter.Range
For Each tbl In .Tables
If Selection.Bookmarks.Count <> 1 Then
tbl.Delete ' <-- pos1
ElseIf Selection.Bookmarks(1).Name <> "FooterTable" Then
foundFooterTable = True ' <-- pos2
FormatFooterTable tbl
End If
End With
Selection.Collapse wdCollapseStart
If Not foundFooterTable Then
Set tbl = ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(Selection.Range, 2, 1)
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Range:=Selection.Range
, Name:="FooterTable" ' <- pos3
FormatFooterTable tbl
End If
Next oFooter
Next oSection
End Sub
thanks for any ideas about what I might do wrong!