
On Windows XP I've installed Eclipse CDT. I've installed cygwin including make, gcc, g++, and gdb. I've added C:\cygwin\bin to the windows path variable.

When I create the default HelloWorld project in Eclipse and try to build, I get the following text in the console:

make all

make: echo: Command not found

make: *** [src/test3.o] Error 127

If I try make at the command line, then all's well.

Other clues:

  • Note that I added C:\cygwin\bin to the path rather than C:\cygwin\usr\bin because I didn't find my GNU toolchain in \usr\bin but in \bin. This seems to contradict some online documentation. Stranger still, when I type which make in the command window (not cygwin bash), it reads /usr/bin/make !
  • I might have installed a new version of cygwin over an old version. I noticed some warnings about this, but since nothing seemed to be wrong with cygwin once complete (and further, since make from the cygwin bash works ok), I didn't dig deeper here.

(Note: there is a related question that I didn't find helpful. Perhaps it's answer was over my head.)


6 Answers


I had the same problem using Eclipse CDT (Juno) under Lubuntu 12.10.

The following fixed it:

  1. Terminal: executed which make --> /usr/bin/make
  2. Terminal: executed which echo --> /bin/echo
  3. Eclipse: Under Project Properties > C/C++ Build > Environment, I made sure the contents of the PATH variable were /usr/bin:/bin, this is, the full path for make and echo, respectively.

On WINDOWS This work for me after setting your variable PATH try to do this PROJECT--> C/C++ BUILD--> TOOL CHAIN EDITOR--> then change the CURRENT BUILDER TO CDT INTERNAL BUILDER Hope it works.


The problem is that there is no echo binary in your PATH. Locate echo, and add it to your PATH environment variable.


It works! I completely reinstalled cygwin and left the pathing the way I had it and Eclipse CDT compiles the hello world program. Something important in the last cygwin major update must have changed.


Reinstalling Cygwin also worked for me. Turns out I needed to install it as an administrator. :-)


I had the same problem using eclipse. Also a debug directory was created there and it had an error too. I deleted debug directory and I right click on project directory and select "Build Project". Then every thing just fixed.