
I have a tabular form where I want to display the value of column delta in different colors. Delta is difference between column1 and column2, which I am generating dynamically.

If the delta value is >0 no change in color and if delta is <0 the value should be in red color else green if value is 0.

I am using oracle APEX VERSION : 4.2.1

I can give you an example in javascript with css, could you post the column names?Typo
Column name is delta where I need the color changes.Mayhem Mischief
No, when I submit the page to save the values, the color of negative values in DELTA column should be in red colorMayhem Mischief
There...I've updated the answer for the read only type.Typo

1 Answers


A similar problem hapened to me some time ago, what I did was:

First declare a css class

.cellColored{background-color:#ff0000 !important} 

/*notice the !important attribute, if not declared the browser will use the apex css definition*/

Then go to your tabular form definition -> Region Definition -> Attributes In Static ID add and id like this:


Then go to Report Atributes in your tabular form definition and edit the column you want to paint,in the field 'Element Attributes' add this: class='classDelta'

Then run a javascript function to asign the cellColored class to the table cells that fit the criteria, something like this:

function paintCells(){
    var tabForm = document.getElementById('tab_form_id');
    var cells = tabForm.getElementsByTagName('td');
    for(var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++){  
        if((cells[i].headers === 'DELTA') && (Number(cells[i].getElementsByClassName('classDelta')[0].value) < 0)){
                            cells[i].className = cells[i].className + ' cellColored';

Notice the cells[i].headers === 'DELTA' line, this should be the name of the column as defined in the report.


The above was for input type elements, for read only columns you need to use this function:

function paintCells(){
    var tabForm = document.getElementById('tab_form_id');
    var cells = tabForm.getElementsByTagName('td');
    for(var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++){  
        if((cells[i].headers === 'DELTA') && (Number(cells[i].innerHTML) < 0)){
                            cells[i].className = cells[i].className + ' cellColored';