
Recently I tried to plot a sphere using PyPlot/Julia and unfortunately it was harder than I thought. Probably there's something wrong with points generation, but I can't figure out why my implementation didn't work. Although everything is fine with original python code.

I've tried to adapt demo2 from matplotlib surface plot doc as MWE:

using PyPlot
u = linspace(0,2*π,100);
v = linspace(0,π,100);

x = cos(u).*sin(v);
y = sin(u).*sin(v);
z = cos(v);


And I'm getting this instead of the right one.

So, what's exactly wrong in my Julia implementation?

Are you sure that is not your typo not defining y?nicoguaro
Thanks, my mistake. Of course it'is typo. Otherwise it fails with an error.gudvinr

2 Answers


x, y and z should be matrices, not vectors -- otherwise you only have a curve drawn on the sphere, instead of the surface itself.

using PyPlot
n = 100
u = linspace(0,2*π,n);
v = linspace(0,π,n);

x = cos(u) * sin(v)';
y = sin(u) * sin(v)';
z = ones(n) * cos(v)';

# The rstride and cstride arguments default to 10
surf(x,y,z, rstride=4, cstride=4)

The curve initially drawn corresponds to the diagonal of those matrices.

plot( diag(x), diag(y), diag(z), color="yellow", linewidth=3 )



This no longer works in Julia 1.1.2 to draw the sphere. Use this instead

using PyPlot
n = 100
u = range(0,stop=2*π,length=n);
v = range(0,stop=π,length=n);

x = cos.(u) * sin.(v)';
y = sin.(u) * sin.(v)';
z = ones(n) * cos.(v)';

# The rstride and cstride arguments default to 10
surf(x,y,z, rstride=4, cstride=4)