Is there a way to set the .skinActive(“#fefa01”) property for the iOS player (JWplayer / JWConfig class) ? Active skin elements. This includes active and highlighted labels, as well scrubber time that has elapsed .
skin.inactive Skin elements that are not active. This includes scrubber time that has not yet elapsed.
skin.background The background portion of the control bar.
// iOS Config
// basic config
JWConfig *config = [JWConfig new];
config.image = nil;
config.title = @" ";
config.controls = YES; //default
config.repeat = NO; //default
config.offlineMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"connection.title", nil);
//config.premiumSkin = JWPremiumSkinSeven;
//custom skin can be applied using:
config.cssSkin = @"http://urltomycustomcssfile.css";
Or is it possible to workaround this by overwriting the proper css styles using config.cssSkin ? I tried but I don't know which styles to overwrite and if this works as well.
.jw-skin-seven .jw-progress {
background: #fefa01;