I'm running into a problem with creating a dynamic class name based on the Angular 2 ngFor loop index. I had to use the following syntax because Angular 2 does not like ngFor and ngIf on the same element.
With this syntax, how can I create a dynamic class name with the value of index at {{index}}
. I know this isn't proper A2 code, but I put it in my code example to show you where I would like the value to appear.
<div class="product-detail__variants">
<template ngFor #variant [ngForOf]="variants" #index="index">
<div *ngIf="currentVariant == index">
<div class="product-detail-carousel-{{index}}">
The value "variants" is an empty array of a set length. "variant" thus has no value.
"currentVariant" is a number that by default equals 0.
EDIT: This code above is correct. I had another extraneous error that I thought was connected to this code.
? angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/common/NgClass-directive.html – Langley