Currently i have the problem, that printing on a matrix printer using it's embedded fonts does not work when printing from our c# core. The printer/crystal reports always change the font, to some windows font. Due to this fact, printing a single page is very slow.
If i print directly withing the crystal reports designer, everything works pretty well and the correct font is used. So it works, but not when printing from c#. That means, the driver and printer is working well, and it is also possible for crystal reports, to send every thing to the printer. Just when i start printing within the .net application, it does not work.
In the report the correct printer is set and i do not override any settings. I just create the report and print it:
private ReportDocument reportDocument = new ReportDocument('C:\\Rpt\\Test.rpt');
// Passing parameter and every thing to the report
// Than print it:
reportDocument.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "Tally";
reportDocument.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0);
Is there some thing wrong with the .net print engine/runtime inside of crystal reports? I thing the designer does not use .net for this, so the other components will be used, which works.
In this article from sap snc, i found:
FYI - CR Designer uses the DEVMODE structure to access the printer, .NET uses >the .NET Framework equivolent in System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings
Maybe this is the problem?
Using Crystal Reports RAS
for printing, may solve the problem. I'll give it a try and let you know.
Thank you all!