You might be confusing what MPI is supposed to do. MPI isn't really a tasking-based model as compared to some others (map reduce, some parts of OpenMP, etc.). MPI has historically focused on SPMD (single program multiple data) types of applications. That's not to say that MPI can't handle MPMD (there's an entire chapter in the standard about dynamic processes and most launchers can run different executables on different ranks.
With that in mind, when you start your job, you'll usually have all of the processes that you'll ever have (unless you're using dynamic processing like MPI_COMM_SPAWN
). You probably used something like:
mpiexec -n 8 ./my_program arg1 arg2 arg3
Many times, if people are trying to emulate a tasking (or master/worker) model, they'll treat rank 0 as the special "master":
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
if (0 == rank) {
while (/* work not done */) {
/* Check if parts of work are done */
/* Send work to ranks without work */
} else {
while (/* work not done */ {
/* Get work from master */
/* Compute */
/* Send results to master */
Often, when waiting for the work, you'll do something like:
for (i = 1; i < num_process; i++) {
MPI_Irecv(&result[i], ..., &requests[i]);
This will set up the receives for each rank that will send you work. Then later, you can do something like:
MPI_Testany(num_processes - 1, requests, &index, &flag, statuses);
if (flag) {
/* Process work */
MPI_Send(work_data, ..., index, ...);
This will check to see if any of the requests (the handles used to track the status of a nonblocking operation) are completed and will then send new work to the worker that finished.
Obviously, all of this code is not copy/paste ready. You'll have to figure out how/if it applies to your work and adapt it accordingly.
s? – Vladimir F Героям слава