
In our app we have a way for users to generate docusign envelopes which then get tracked by status and signed through a chain of recipients.

I've added a feature to resend the document in our interface. Using XML through the API I think I'm correctly requesting a resend of the envelope to recipients that are in the "delivered" status (meaning they were sent the document but haven't signed yet I think). I followed the concepts here: Resend DocuSign Emails

However I am unfortunately receiving an error when sending the resend request for the document:


Message: Recipients are locked and cannot be modified.

I went back to the template and looked for options that might lock down changes to recipients (even though no changes are actually being made) and could only find the option "Sender cannot Add, Edit, Delete Recipients" in the Recipients and Routing section of template. Unchecking this option did not solve the issue though and I still get the same error when trying to resend documents.

Is there another way I can unlock recipients of an envelope that will allow me to resend documents to them using the API?


Endpoint URL: https://na2.docusign.net/restapi/v2/accounts/[accountId]/envelopes/[envelopeId]/recipients?resend_envelope=true

Request Body:

string requestBody = "<recipients xmlns:i=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns=\"http://www.docusign.com/restapi\">" +
            "<signers><signer>" +
                "<recipientId>" + recipientId.ToString() + "</recipientId>" +
                "<name>" + recipientName + "</name>" +
                "<email>" + recipientEmail + "</email>" +
Can you share the URL/endpoint you are trying to hit and also the request body?Luis Scott
Added endpoint and request body, thanks.Alec Menconi
I would think that you would see such a message if you were in fact modifying the recipient information provided in your API call (name change?). I take it these are remote signers since you are using DocuSign emails. As one additional troubleshooting exercise can you please do a get against the envelope/<envelopeID>/lock endpoint? Are any locks applied?Luis Scott
Hmm might be trying to change the name but I'm just taking the ID, name and email from the Get Recipients call and passing that back to the resend POST call so I assumed it would stay the same but I'll do some investigating there to make sure. Perhaps the values are getting changed when I deserialize the XML as input for the POST call.Alec Menconi
Lock check resulted in: EDIT_LOCK_ENVELOPE_NOT_LOCK - The envelope is not locked. So that doesn't seem to be the issue.Alec Menconi

1 Answers


Did some more digging on this one and was able to reproduce this behavior under the following conditions:

If you create an envelope from a template and specify the recipientsLock=true on the createEnvelope request, and you perform a correct w/re-send, you must specify a valid recipientID defined on the template. Please make sure that you are using the recipientID value from the GET and NOT the recipientIDGuid or UserID.

API information on creating template w/recipientsLock: https://www.docusign.com/p/RESTAPIGuide/RESTAPIGuide.htm#REST%20API%20References/Post%20Template.htm?Highlight=recipientslock