The problem: I can't get the {id} parameter to be 'found' in the Middleware. My middleware needs to get the {id} param, in order to verify if the Auth::user() is the owner of the specified group.
Request example: groups/admin/open/4 --> group 4 will be opened.
What I have:
Route::post('groups/admin/open/{id}', 'GroupController@opengroup')->middleware(['auth','owner']);
My middleware ('owner') is still empty.
What I tried: 1. Adding an $id parameter in the function (like you do in Controllers), like so:
public function handle($request, /* Added -> */ $id, Closure $next)
return $next($request);
This returns an error:
Argument 3 passed to App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfNotOwner::handle() must be an instance of Closure, none given
Different placement of the $id, at the end, results in the error:
Missing argument 3 for App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfNotOwner::handle()
What I have tried 2: I have thought about is to change my url like this
Request example: groups/admin/open?groupparam=4
And use
But this forces me to make changes to my controllers etc. Still this is an option.
Reason for asking: moreover I believe Laravel has the capability to retrieve {id} params in Middleware too, beautifully. I just don't know how.
Can you help me?