
I am currently doing automation for uploading file in saleforce.

The HTML text is:

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onblur="chatter.getFeed().contentCommentActionBlur(this);" onfocus="chatter.getFeed().contentCommentActionFocus(this);" onclick="chatter.getFeed().createContentComment(this,'0D52700002cc67d', false, true);" onmousedown="chatter.getFeed().contentCommentActionMouseDown(this);" class="cxcontentcommentaction">
<img class="cxcontentcommentactionimg" src="/s.gif">
<span class="cxcontentcommentactiontext">Attach File</span>

For click the anchor user need to go down and press "Attach file" button.

I have tried with two different doing

1.Coding get element by anchor class="cxcontentcommentaction":

Set htmldoc = mydoc.getElementsByClassName("cxcontentcommentaction")

2.Coding get element by span class="cxcontentcommentactiontext":

Set htmldoc = mydoc.getElementsByClassName("cxcontentcommentactiontext")

For both I am getting error "Object doesn't support this property

After your comment, i have tried like this,

Set oElementCollection = mydoc.getElementsByClassName("cxcontentcommentactiontext")

    For Each link In oElementCollection
    If link.innerHTML = "Attach File" Then
        Exit For
    End If
Next link

I have tried for below HTML

<a href="javascript:window.invokeOnClickJS_00bG0000000ikPK%28this%29" class="menuButtonMenuLink">
Send an Email</a>

Below code is working properly for above html

Set oElementCollection = mydoc.getElementsByClassName("menuButtonMenuLink")

    For Each link In oElementCollection
    If link.innerHTML = "Send an Email" Then
        Exit For
    End If
Next link

But with "Attach File" button which mentioned in this question only getting problem.

It looks like this should be part of a form element - in which case just use Forms(0).Submit changing 0 to the correct index.SierraOscar

1 Answers


The method getElementsByClassName returns a collection of elements with this class name. This is because a HTML DOM can contain multiple elements with the same class name. That's why the plural form getElements. So you need to know which element from the elements collection you need. If it is the first, then:

Set oElementCollection = mydoc.getElementsByClassName("cxcontentcommentaction")

If the first is not the right, then try

For i = 0 To oElementCollection.Length - 1
 MsgBox oElementCollection(i).innerHTML

to find the right one.


After your additions in the question:


Set oElementCollection = mydoc.getElementsByClassName("cxcontentcommentactiontext") 

you are probably getting a collection of span objects not links. But those span elements should be within links. So the links are their parents.


Set oElementCollection = mydoc.getElementsByClassName("cxcontentcommentactiontext")

    For Each span In oElementCollection
    If span.innerHTML = "Attach File" Then
        Exit For
    End If
Next span