I have a web application that converts SVG files into swf ones. In order to do so, there are 3 steps : 1 - Running through SVG Files in a folder
for (final File file : tFiles) {
final String fileName = file.getName();
final int nbEr = flashEngine.convert(fileName);
if (nbEr > 0) {
LOG.error("Error with SVG file : " + fileName);
2 - Converting each SVG in a .AS temporary file and adding info in it
public final int convert(final String svgName) {
// *****************
// *****************
final int nbError = computeSwf(svgName);
// ******************
// ******************
return nbError;
3 - Converting th .as into .swf thanks to Mxmlc compiler
private int computeSwf(final String svgName) {
final String[] argscompiler = new String[5];
argscompiler[0] = "+flexlib";
argscompiler[1] = [flex framework path : /flex/frameworks];
argscompiler[2] = [temporary .as file path];
argscompiler[3] = "-output"; // output folder path
argscompiler[4] = [output file name thanks to svgName];
return ThreadLocalToolkit.errorCount();
Most of the time, everything works fine. But, in some cases, the entire JVM crashes without warning.
I added logs around the mxmlc compiler calling :
try {
LOG.info("mxmlc compiler calling");
LOG.info("mxmlc compilation finished");
} catch (final Throwable e) {
LOG.fatal(e, e);
In my logs, it shows me that for lots of files, the compilation works. But the JVM crashes, after a "mxmlc compiler calling" line.
So, the issues comes from the flex compiler.
After some tests, I obtained a "JVM Crash report" :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Build>7600 </Build>
<Product>(0x30): Windows 7 Professional</Product>
<Flavor>Multiprocessor Free</Flavor>
<ParentProcessCmdLine>C:\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=localhost:59809 -Dcatalina.base=C:\Workspaces\Eclipse\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0 -Dcatalina.home=C:\Tomcat55 -Dwtp.deploy=C:\Workspaces\Eclipse\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Tomcat55\common\endorsed -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath C:\Workspaces\Eclipse\[MY PROJECT]\webcontent\WEB-INF\lib\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar;C:\Tomcat55\bin\bootstrap.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start</ParentProcessCmdLine>
<SystemManufacturer>Dell Inc.</SystemManufacturer>
<SystemProductName>OptiPlex 780</SystemProductName>
As you can see, it seems that the dcpr.dll (Sun Java dll) crashes. I already had a issue like this one, but it was resolved by going from jdk 1.5 to 1.6. It seems that this is not a real solution :s
Info : Java version : JDK 64 bits Flex version : flex_sdk_3.5.0.12683
I do not use the "Full JDK", the one with the [flex]/bin/jvm.config file.
So, here are my questions : - can I simply add a jvm.config file (or another one), to set the mxmlc compiler up ? - do I have to use a 32 bits jdk ? (it seems that there are issues concerning flex and 64 bits jdk) - are there other compiler to convert as to swf ?